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What The Hell Are They Thinking? (The Perspective Book)
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What The Hell Are They Thinking? : The 100 debates that govern your life, written in a way that tells both sides of every story.
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The Big Debates
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Is Fantasy Football a game of chance or skill?
Lebron Vs. Jordan: Who’s The Greatest Of All Time?
Are Unions Beneficial To Society?
Which is better, iOS Or Android?
Premier League Or La Liga: Which Is The Best Soccer League?
Is Honesty The Best Policy?
How Healthy Is Soy?
Should we Fight or Embrace Illegal Downloads?
Is assisted suicide justified?
Is Jeter the best shortstop of all time?
Should we fight illegal downloads?
Are school uniforms useful?
Do standardized tests improve education?
Are vitamin supplements actually helpful?
Are cats or dogs the better companions?
Should homework be assigned in elementary school?
Should you travel overseas with small kids?
Is the government’s soda tax fair?
Is Facebook too big to fail?
Is Botox Bo-utiful, or Bo-toxic?
Is social welfare necessary or harmful?
Does Nicki Minaj empower women?
Is the death penalty justified?
Is Game of Thrones worth the hype?
Should women serve in combat units?
What impact would paid maternity leave have?
Do beauty pageants elevate or diminish women?
Are Kanye West’s marketing skills greater than his art?
Are the Kardashians inspiring or damaging to women?
Is home ownership still worthwhile?
Can single-payer healthcare work in the United States?
Should prostitution be legalized?
Is Tom Brady the greatest quarterback of all time?
Do safe spaces provide a better learning environment?
Should we negotiate with terrorists?
Is obesity a disease?
Are basketball players the best athletes?
Do protests work?
How different are members of the far left and far right?
Do vegans have the moral high ground?
How similar are the far left and far right?
Is work from home really all it’s cracked up to be?
Is pornography harmful or healthy?
Is conventional education the best solution?
Is binge watching good for TV storytelling?
Are small-change investment apps worth using?
Is fracking more harmful to the earth than it is beneficial?
Is binge watching good for you?
What's the price of Google’s products?
Is Google's immensity a force for good?
Are whistleblowers heroes or traitors?
Is Messi or Ronaldo truly the best?
Should we legalize Marijuana?
Is drinking milk healthy for humans?
Are humans inherently violent?
Should women compete against men in sports?
Is religion good or bad for society?
Is the NFL losing its appeal?
Should celebrities expect privacy?
Is Roger Federer the best tennis player of all time?
Open vs. closed work space. Which works better?
Is the British Monarchy an unnecessary relic of times long gone?
Is the British Monarchy a financial asset or liability?
Kobe or LeBron. Who is the better player?
Is divorce the best solution?
Is Wall Street more beneficial to America or itself?
Does defense win football championships?
Is there a price to Bill Gates' philanthropy?
Should college athletes get paid?
Is Jeff Bezos a good role model?
Startups: Is it better to be first or second to the market?
Will Virtual Reality ever take off?
Battle of the consoles: XBox vs. Playstation
Should major league baseball get rid of designated hitters?
Should the NHL ban fighting in hockey?
Are the NFL’s concussion rules ruining the game?
Will legal sports betting change the sport’s nature?
Should Sports betting be legal?
Can soccer be the next big American sport?
Is Chinese industry pulling ahead of the West?
Is China the Next Superpower?
Does reverse racism exist in the US?
Should we depend on fossil fuels or renewable energy?
Are fossil fuels the best energy source for a stable economy?
Did NAFTA hurt American jobs?
Has NAFTA been good for Mexico?
Is e-commerce good for the working class?
Is Trump good for liberals?
Should the US intervene in foreign conflicts?
Is Elon Musk more driven by vision or ego?
Is Fox News necessary for political debate?
Is Elon Musk a visionary or a taskmaster?
Are Russia-gate and Watergate comparable?
Is the EU better off united or divided?
Is the EU good for its members economy?
Is the UN doing a good job?
Are Disney animated films good for children?
Are gun laws an effective measure?
Does accepting Syrian refugees pose a threat on America?
Is it fair to raise taxes on the rich?
Should we raise taxes on the rich?
Are banks widening or narrowing the gap between rich and poor?
Should we reject art produced by sexual offenders?
Do we need to act on climate change now?
Are self-driving cars safe?
Are humans inherently violent?
Is surrogacy a good idea?
Should Christopher Columbus be revered?
Does National Security outweigh the right to privacy?
Is baby formula safe for babies?
Is cosmetic surgery healthy?
Should condoms be distributed in high schools?
Is happiness a choice?
Is it okay to lightly drink with your teenage kid?
Should convicted criminals have the right to vote?
Is religion good or bad for society?
Is the study of 'great literature' positive or negative?
Is slam poetry poetry?
Are smart homes a smart idea?
Should adopted children be involved with their birth families?
Should you have kids?
Is cognitive behavioral therapy an effective form of psychotherapy?
Do professional athletes deserve their inflated salaries?
Does divorce make sense?
Should celebrities be the voice of social causes?
Is the body positive movement as positive as It seems?
Is volunteering abroad helpful or harmful?
Should parents send their kids to sleep-away camps?
Is Ayahuasca a healing or dangerous drug?
Should elementary kids be assigned homework?
Are epidurals the answer to an easier childbirth?
Is Bill Clinton’s popularity deserved?
Is prom worthwhile?
Is homeschooling more beneficial than public school?
Is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child worth the hype?
Is Dear Evan Hansen worth the hype?
Should prostitution be legalized?
Can single-payer health care be an affordable option in America?
Would America benefit from Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state?
Are vaccines effective?
Is there an over-diagnosis of ADHD?
Is Amazon good or bad for the shopping industry?
Is Twitter good or bad for society?
Is millennial’s bad rap in the workplace deserved?
Is animal testing necessary?
Is real estate the best investment?
Are low-cost or traditional airlines more advantageous?
Is Raising the minimum wage good for the economy?
Should we raise the minimum wage?
Is feminism still relevant?
Is Vladimir Putin a dubious or admirable leader?
What can the past teach us about the future of Bitcoin?
The Big debates
Should Puerto Rico become the 51st state?
Disney Animated Films - Are they good for children?
Are Basketball Players the Best Athletes?
Should Celebrities Expect Privacy?
Is Israel an Apartheid State?
Does Nicki Minaj Empower or Objectify women?
Does the Bible Lift Women Up or Tear Them Down?
Should the NHL ban fighting in hockey?
Is There Life After Death?
Will Nuclear Power advance or ruin humanity?
The Perspective on Having Kids
The Perspective on George W. Bush
Is Monogamy Natural?
The Perspective on Elon Musk
The perspective on Fantasy Football
Sigmund Freud: A timeless genius or overrated?
Edward Snowden – Hero or Traitor?
Should Holocaust Education in Schools Be Mandatory?
Is there a difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola?
The Perspective on Donald Trump
Should We Negotiate with Terrorists?
Climate Change - Act now, or question the urgency of the threat?
Do Professional Athletes Deserve Their Inflated Salaries?
Are Humans Inherently Violent?
The Perspective on Ayahuasca: Is it worth trying?
The Perspective on Time – Is It Linear or Cyclical?
Is Obesity a Disease?
Is Honesty the Best Policy?
Can the Use of Torture Be Justified?
How great is 'great literature' if it needs to be studied to be understood?
Should we invest in Bitcoin or stay away from it?
The Perspective on Drone Strikes
Breast vs. Bottle: which is better for babies?
Is Amazon Good or Bad for the Shopping Industry?
Is E-Commerce Pushing Us Forward or Holding Us Back?
Are Smart Homes a Smart Idea?
The Perspective on Political Correctness
Are Vaccines Safe or Risky for Your Kids?
Is MMA too dangerous?
Should the US intervene militarily in foreign conflicts?
Can People Change Their Minds?
Should Major League Baseball Get Rid of Designated Hitters?
The Perspective on Gerrymandering
Back to the Future: Musical or Movie. Which is better?
Should convicted criminals have the right to vote?
The perspective on Zoos
Should we depend on fossil fuels or renewable energy?
Redshirting: Should Parents Delay Kindergarten for a Year?
Should Women Serve in Combat Units?
Is it okay to lightly drink with your teenage kid(s)?
Are Small-Change Investment Apps Worth Using?
Throwback TV: Friends or Seinfeld?
The perspective on the paleo diet
Battle of the Bonds: Daniel Craig or Sean Connery?
ADHD Diagnosis: Too Much or Just Right?
The Perspective on Abortion: Should it be a viable option?
Is gun control justified or an infringement of our rights?
Does Homework Help or Hinder Learning?
Do Unions bring positive change or create more harm than good?
The Perspective on School Uniforms
Cats or Dogs: Who Makes a Better Companion?
Should We Distribute Condoms in High Schools?
Should We Legalize Marijuana?
Does Conventional or Alternative Schooling Have More Impact?
The Perspective on Animal Testing
The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: plain evil or a necessary evil?
Montessori: An Effective Learning Approach or a Matter of Faith?
Service Trips Abroad: Harmful or Helpful?
Is Hosting the Olympics a privilege or inconvenience?
Comfortably Numb: The Perspective on epidurals
Should you fly on traditional or low-cost airlines?
Are Antidepressants a Good Solution?
Is a Hotdog a Sandwich?
Should You Travel Overseas with Small Kids?
NASCAR or Formula 1 - Which is the prime racing competition?
Can Soccer be the next big American sport?
Milk: Is It Healthy or Harmful to Drink?
Should parents send kids to sleepaway camp?
Is Binge-Watching a harmless or helpful activity?
Should College Athletes Get Paid?
Is America Still Great?
The Perspective on the United Nations (UN)
Get a Degree or Get A Life? What Should Follow High School?
Should Adopted Children Be Involved with Their Birth Families?
Is College Worth It?
Do Protests work ?
Which is better: Star Wars Vs. Star Trek?
The Perspective on Prom - Antiquated or Timeless?
Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
Should bible stories be regarded as history?
How Should We View Michael Jackson's legacy?
Is the Body Positive Movement as Positive as it suggests?
Is There Life Outside Earth?
The perspective on divorce
The Perspective on Putin
Should women compete against men in sports?
LeBron James Vs. Michael Jordan: Who’s the greatest of all time?
Muhammad Ali – He Was Great, but Was He the Greatest?
Is Kanye West a Great Artist or a Great Marketer?
Does defense win football championships?
The Perspective on Big Data
Should We Cheer for Beauty Pageants or Call for Their Demise?
Are Government Soda Taxes Fair?
(Titanic) Could Jack have been saved?
Is Fear Beneficial or Damaging to Our Lives?
Let's watch it again: Should instant replays be used in sports?
Should the First Amendment cover racism and hate speech?
Should we embrace religion or let it go?
Should Celebrities be the voice of Social Causes?
Do Artists with seriously questionable morals deserve fame?
The Perspective on Circumcision
The Perspective on Affirmative Action
Throwback - Which is the best NBA draft EVER: 1984 or 1996?
Messi or Ronaldo - who is truly the best?
The Perspective on Surrogacy
Is the British Monarchy a worthy institution or outdated relic?
Should sports betting be legal?
The Perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI): Is it Risky or Beneficial?
Does Fox News add balance or propaganda to the media landscape?
The Perspective on Feminism: Is it still relevant today?
Should we allow smartphones in school?
Was Ronald Reagan The Greatest President Since WWII?
Does the KonMari Method truly transform lives?
Is Tom Brady the greatest QB to ever play the game?
Is religion Good or Bad for Society?
Should Prostitution be legalized?
How Similar are the Far-Left and the Far-Right?
Is Twitter a life-enhancing or life-disabling tool?
Is the Death Penalty Justified or Should It Be Abolished?
Should Christopher Columbus be honored or renounced?
Climate Change - Act now, or question the urgency of the threat?
Is Roger Federer the best tennis player of all time?
Do Safe Spaces in Academia Encourage or Curtail Free Speech?
Do Prenups Ruin or Strengthen Marriages?
Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Effective?
Are tattoos a welcome form of self-expression or a cause of regret?
Should Steroid Users Be included in the Baseball Hall of Fame?
Startups: Is it better to be first or second to the market?
Is Color Perception a Universal Human Experience?
Should We Ban Unpaid Internships?
Start Your Startup after School or Get Some Full-Time Experience First?
How Healthy Is Soy?
Moulin Rouge or Mr. Saturday Night: Which Is The Hottest Ticket on Broadway?
The Perspective on Bill Clinton
Is slam an accepted form of poetry?
Is Hollywood too white?
Open vs. Closed Space Work Environments
Stents or Bypass Surgery, How to repair a broken heart?
Do the benefits of crowd-sleuthing outweigh the risks?
Should homework be assigned in elementary school?
Should America adopt paid maternity leave nationwide?
Are Banks a force of Good or Evil?
Do Standardized Tests Improve Education?
The Perspective on Reality TV
Should Gwyneth Paltrow be admired or criticized?
Should we Fight or Embrace Illegal Downloads?
The Perspective on Comic-Con: Is It Worth Attending?
The Perspective on Alan Greenspan
Is Real Estate the Best Investment?
The Perspective on Studying Abroad
Is Harley Quinn a Villain or a Tragic Character?
Is Scientology a Religion?
The Perspective on Physician-Assisted Suicide
Should 'Black Lives Matter' Fight For All Lives?
Should we raise taxes on the rich?
The Perspective on Botox
The Perspective on the Public Apology
The US coronavirus response: Have we done enough or not?
Will virtual reality ever take off?
Is it Time To Do Away with the Electoral College?
Should We Ban the Burqa?
Is the EU better off divided or together?
Does reverse racism exist in America?
Does reverse racism exist in America?
The Perspective on Google: is it too powerful?
Is the NFL losing its appeal?
Should 'Black Lives Matter' Fight For All Lives?
Hamilton - overrated or worth the hype?
City vs. Suburbs: Where is better to live?
Should the Left Support Antifa?
Who is the NFL’s biggest draft bust?
Does National Security outweigh the right to privacy?
Social Welfare: Do its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
Does Homeschooling advance or hinder education?
Is Working from Home All It's Cracked Up To Be?
Benjamin Netanyahu: Strong or Ineffectual Leader?
Does Wall Street embody flawed ethics or economic success?
Is Trump good for liberals?
Is Hall of Famer Derek Jeter the best shortstop of all time?
IOS or Android - Which Smartphone Is Better?
Is China the Next Superpower?
Is Avocado Toast Ruining Millennials?
School Choice: Should public funds go toward any education?
Are Watergate and Russiagate Comparable?
Game of Thrones: Epic or Epic Fail?
Magic Johnson vs. Larry Bird - Who is Better?
The Perspective on Single-Payer Health Care
Kobe VS LeBron – who is considered better?
The Perspective on Cosmetic Surgery
Are the 1991 Washington Redskins the Best NFL Team Ever?
Did the Original NAFTA hurt or help America?
Internet Trolls: Social Artists or Sadists?
Is Home Ownership Still Worthwhile?
The Perspective on Autonomous Cars
Red Auerbach or Phil Jackson: Who's the best NBA coach ever?
Premier League or La Liga: Which Is The Best Soccer League?
Obama's Legacy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Impossible?
The Perspective on Arsène Wenger
The Perspective on Bill Gates
The Perspective on Fracking
The Perspective on Che Guevara
The Perspective Challenge Manifesto
‘The Room’ – Disaster or Art?
The Perspective on Millennials
Linear vs. On-Demand TV
Stalin - hero or villain?
Battle of the consoles : Xbox vs. PlayStation
Should we Raise the Minimum Wage?
Surrealist Memes: Regression or Progression?
A note on "Both Sides"
Remastered video games: Rightful Homage or Lazy Marketing?
Did the Arab Spring Make Things Worse?
Fake News is Not the Real Problem
TEST - Alina
Subjective timelines
TP Feed
TP Feed - New Feature
Small challenge banner
My perspectives
Free Speech is vital to the survival of America
Professional AThletEsMaking to much Money
pro athletes are humans to
The Real Intent of Capitalism
The Harry potter books are wayyyyy better than the movies-reasons
pros and cons of working from home
next career move taking place :Gig economy and flexible employment
CUomo is a Bad leader, but a good politician
The big inflation/deflation theory
Politicians and Swearing
Liberals and Conservatives
justice is on top above every other ideology
Death penalty
messi vs ronaldo
Democracy and Human Rights are absurd.
College athlete pay
Kavanaugh's emotions: We were only trying to drown Him.
Japan 1945 - To Bomb or not to bomb ......
Should A guy be the one to ask the girl out?
Not Lesbian
Harvest Boxes - Everything comes around again
why celebrities should have their privacy!
Concerned American / Dreamers
Very concerned american
Take on Athletes making tons of money
Is violence innate to human?
My perspective on scifi
Political Correctness – Contorting Reality
Sometimes there is no perspective needed
Neither side is to blame, both are
We should stop standardized testing
Too many Americans defend police crime
I don’t’ get homeopathic medicine
Why do we still have affirmative action?
We should include sales tax in the initial price of products
Violent video games have become too commonplace
I don't understand why adoption isn't more prevalent
If we can use guilt against smoking, why not against obesity?
We need to get rid of the tipping culture
If we do nothing a dystopian future will await us
Fearless Girl unfairly changes the meaning of CHarging Bull
liberal Self-righteousness
Why are we okay with budget spending?
We can't afford immigration
The Price of elitism
Subjective Timeline
Roe vs Wade and origin of the abortion debate
The Kent State Massacre
Poland’s role in the holocaust
The Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
The Elian Gonzalez Case
The Korean war
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The rise and fall of the Black Panthers
The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Internment of Japanese-Americans in WW2
Northern Ireland - The Troubles
The Rise of the Nazi party
Women’s Right to Vote: The US Suffrage Movement
US-Iran relations – WW2 to Hostage Crisis
The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election