Entertainment | #Theater #movies Back to the Future: Musical or Movie. Which is better? The movie is a classic, with rich storytelling and action, while the musical is full of life and music. Which is better?
Entertainment | Living | #music Does Nicki Minaj Empower or Objectify women? My only motto in my life is don't lose - N. Minaj
Living | #health #drugs The Perspective on Ayahuasca: Is it worth trying? While it may provide a transformative experience, it can also have adverse side effects.
Living | #time #sci-fi The Perspective on Time – Is It Linear or Cyclical? Do we live according to the perception that it is unidirectional or that it is cyclical?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate #tech giants Is E-Commerce Pushing Us Forward or Holding Us Back? A double-edged sword, it destroys as it creates, it constructs monopolies as it invites competition.
Living | #parenting Should parents send kids to sleepaway camp? While it can provide kids with fun, life-altering summer experiences, it may not be ideal for every family.
Entertainment | #Fame #celebrity How Should We View Michael Jackson’s legacy? How should we view Michael Jackson's legacy?
Biz/Tech | Living | #Science #NASA Is There Life Outside Earth? Are we alone in this vast, expansive universe?
Entertainment | #music #celebrity Is Kanye West a Great Artist or a Great Marketer? "Everytime I’m in Vegas they screaming like I’m Elvis, but I just want to design hotels and nail it" (K. west. Clique)
Living | #health #mental health Is Fear Beneficial or Damaging to Our Lives? It can negatively and positively shape our worldview, decisions, behavior and health.
Entertainment | #celebrities #Fame Should Celebrities be the voice of Social Causes? Are social causes better left to experts or famous activists?
Entertainment | #ethics #celebrities Do Artists with seriously questionable morals deserve fame? When a scandal tarnishes a beloved artist’s legacy, should it change their art in your eyes?
Politics | The Big Debates | #the death penalty debate Is the Death Penalty Justified or Should It Be Abolished? Given the moral complexities and depth of emotions involved, the death penalty is an age-old controversial debate.
Living | #color #anthropology Is Color Perception a Universal Human Experience? We cannot know how any one person really perceives or understands color.
Entertainment | #Theater Moulin Rouge or Mr. Saturday Night: Which Is The Hottest Ticket on Broadway? Two of Broadway's most popular shows are Moulin Rouge and Mr. Saturday Night. Both are sensational. Which one to see?
Living | #the education debate Do Standardized Tests Improve Education? They even the playing field between all students but may limit creative learning and evaluate teachers unfairly.
Biz/Tech | Entertainment | #music #film Should we Fight or Embrace Illegal Downloads? Tens of millions of Americans acquire entertainment illegally. Are they criminals or is the industry slow to adapt?
Biz/Tech | #tech giants The Perspective on Google: is it too powerful? Is the tech giant abusing its power and control or using them to advance the future of mankind?
Entertainment | #music #Theater Hamilton – overrated or worth the hype? Is the Broadway hit truly deserving of all of its accolades?
Living | #the education debate Does Homeschooling advance or hinder education? Is the answer to better education in our own homes?