Biz/Tech | Living | #jobs #startups Open vs. Closed Space Work Environments Office design and layout play an important role in how a company operates daily.
Entertainment | #celebrities #Fame Should Celebrities Expect Privacy? Does having a public career mean your life belongs to the public?
Sports | #NHL Should the NHL ban fighting in hockey? Here are three reasons for why the violence should be stopped and three reasons why it shouldn`t.
Biz/Tech | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Will Nuclear Power advance or ruin humanity? Wonder Energy or Global Hazard?
Politics | The Big Debates | #terrorism Should We Negotiate with Terrorists? A choice between two bad options is still an important choice
Living | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Climate Change – Act now, or question the urgency of the threat? Everything is politicized, even the climate. So where do we stand with politics vs. nature?
Living | #health #drugs The Perspective on Ayahuasca: Is it worth trying? While it may provide a transformative experience, it can also have adverse side effects.
Biz/Tech | #bitcoin #currency Should we invest in Bitcoin or stay away from it? It seems to have enormous potential as a currency, but will it be able to sustain itself?
Living | #the education debate Redshirting: Should Parents Delay Kindergarten for a Year? Extra time at home may give children a developmental advantage, but are there long-term downsides?
Living | #feminism Should Women Serve in Combat Units? Does this add value or potential danger to the military?
Living | #the nutrition debate The perspective on the paleo diet Does it enhance or take away from adherents' quality of life?
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Homework Help or Hinder Learning? Is it necessary for reinforcing and building academic skills, or does it put needless strain on parents and students?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate Do Unions bring positive change or create more harm than good? Do they combat or contribute to worker exploitation they are meant to fight against?
Living | #the education debate The Perspective on School Uniforms Do they improve learning or limit self-expression and burden parents' wallets?
Living | #the education debate Montessori: An Effective Learning Approach or a Matter of Faith? Is this teaching method a proven one or overhyped?
Sports | #Olympics Is Hosting the Olympics a privilege or inconvenience? Hosting the Olympic Games can be a burden and/or a benefit for the host city and country.
Living | #parenting Should parents send kids to sleepaway camp? While it can provide kids with fun, life-altering summer experiences, it may not be ideal for every family.
Living | #the education debate Is College Worth It? Does higher education still live up to its mission of imparting knowledge and molding the future?
Politics | #protest #Black Lives Matter Do Protests work ? Protests can do much to direct attention toward issues, but is attention enough to effect change ?
Living | #The Racism Debate The Perspective on Affirmative Action Does it protect the disadvantaged or unintentionally promote other forms of discrimination?
Sports | The Big Debates | #The economy debate Should sports betting be legal? Sports betting is now legal in the majority of US states. Is this for the better?
Living | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Climate Change – Act now, or question the urgency of the threat? Everything is politicized, even the climate. So where do we stand with politics vs. nature?
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Do Safe Spaces in Academia Encourage or Curtail Free Speech? Some contend that safe spaces model open societies at their best while others call them death-zones for free speech.
Living | #health #the nutrition debate How Healthy Is Soy? Is it the health food that some suggest or does it have negative side effects for our bodies and the environment?
Living | #the education debate The Perspective on Studying Abroad Taking time off to study abroad is a powerful experience, both in rewards and possible unintended consequences.
Living | #sexual harassment ##metoo The Perspective on the Public Apology Who gains more from it, the abusers or victims?
Living | #the America debate City vs. Suburbs: Where is better to live? Where you choose to live is a major contributor to who you are as a person.
Sports Who is the NFL’s biggest draft bust? JaMarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf go head to head in a battle no one wants to win.
Living | #the education debate Does Homeschooling advance or hinder education? Is the answer to better education in our own homes?