Politics | #Donald Trump #politics The Perspective on Donald Trump Former President Trump’s accomplishments are as controversial as his failures, but no president is perfect.
Politics | #trump #the America debate Is Trump good for liberals? Perhaps Trump’s presidency is a catalyst for the whole country to move forward.
Politics | #history #presidents The Perspective on George W. Bush How will his legacy be remembered. Here are three arguments for and three against W.
Politics | #the America debate The Perspective on Gerrymandering Does it level the playing field or favor one party over the other?
Living | #the America debate Is America Still Great? Explore top arguments supporting America’s greatness, and top reasons that signal she’s in decline.
Entertainment | #tv #media Does Fox News add balance or propaganda to the media landscape? Is it harming or contributing to American political discussion?
Biz/Tech | #social media #tech giants Is Twitter a life-enhancing or life-disabling tool? #cyberbullying #straightforward #grammar #freespeech #Musk
Biz/Tech | Living | #social media #terrorism Do the benefits of crowd-sleuthing outweigh the risks? Is crime-solving by online communities effective law enforcement?
Politics | #the America debate Is it Time To Do Away with the Electoral College? Founded on outdated democratic principles, does the Electoral College still have constitutional and practical relevance?
Living | #The Racism Debate Does reverse racism exist in America? Does it exist, and is it severe enough to be part of the discrimination dialogue?
Living | #The Racism Debate Does reverse racism exist in America? Does it exist, and is it severe enough to be part of the discrimination dialogue?
Politics | #the America debate #antifa Should the Left Support Antifa? Its goal is to eradicate hatred and fight neo-Nazism, but can its violence be justified and supported?
Politics | #the middle east debate Benjamin Netanyahu: Strong or Ineffectual Leader? Both admired and scorned, Israel's Prime Minister has left his mark on the country, but what will his legacy be?
Biz/Tech | #social media Internet Trolls: Social Artists or Sadists? Does trolling inspire or tear apart society?
Living | Politics | #political discourse The Perspective on Political Correctness Is PC culture making us more sensitive to others or afraid to speak to anyone who might think differently than we do?
Politics | The Big Debates | #the America debate Should the First Amendment cover racism and hate speech? Should the US Constitution protect free speech or those who suffer its repercussions?
Living | The Big Debates | #feminism ##metoo The Perspective on Feminism: Is it still relevant today? Considering past achievements and work to be done, does feminism need to change to stay relevant?
Politics | #the America debate How Similar are the Far-Left and the Far-Right? To what extent do similar actions by both sides mean similarity in character?
Living | #health The US coronavirus response: Have we done enough or not? Has the US response to COVID-19 been proportionate to the physical and mental health risks involved?
Sports | #nfl #politics in sports Is the NFL losing its appeal? Can the NFL withstand its political, social and health controversies or are they turning away fans for good?
Entertainment | #music #Theater Hamilton – overrated or worth the hype? Is the Broadway hit truly deserving of all of its accolades?
Living | Politics | #The economy debate Social Welfare: Do its advantages outweigh its disadvantages? Does its benefit to society outweigh the fact that it can be taken advantage of?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate Does Wall Street embody flawed ethics or economic success? Does its financial industry embody flawed ethics or the key to America's successful economy?
Living School Choice: Should public funds go toward any education? Does competition produce better schools, or is sending children to unregulated schools a gamble with public monies?
Politics | #trump #Russiagate Are Watergate and Russiagate Comparable? It's a tempting comparison, but is it justified?
Biz/Tech | Politics | #The economy debate Did the Original NAFTA hurt or help America? Did the original NAFTA help America or was its replacement trade deal justified?
Politics | #history #presidents Obama’s Legacy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Impossible? From Obamacare, through Cuba to Trump. How will Obama's administration be remembered?
Biz/Tech | The Big Debates | #fake news #filter bubbles Fake News is Not the Real Problem (Editorial) Why did fake news become public enemy no. 1 and why it might be a misguided battle.