Living | The Big Debates | #The Religion debate Should we embrace religion or let it go? Is it bringing us hope and salvation or holding us back?
Living | #The Religion debate Is religion Good or Bad for Society? It has the power to bring out the best and worst in humanity.
Living | #The Religion debate #Scientology Is Scientology a Religion? Scientology has an unconventional history, but does it diminish the spiritual experiences on offer for its followers?
Politics | #Middle East Debate Is Israel an Apartheid State? Are critics accurate in calling Israel an apartheid state?
Living | #health Is There Life After Death? Do people live on only in memory and spirit or is there some kind of afterlife?
Living | #the abortion debate The Perspective on Abortion: Should it be a viable option? An extremely personal procedure yet a matter of public and political debate.
Living | The Big Debates | #the gun control debate Is gun control justified or an infringement of our rights? Is it a social question, a cultural one, or a political debate?
Living | #the education debate #high school Should We Distribute Condoms in High Schools? Is it the responsibility of a school or of the parents to educate their teens about safe sex?
Politics | #protest #Black Lives Matter Do Protests work ? Protests can do much to direct attention toward issues, but is attention enough to effect change ?
Entertainment | #film Which is better: Star Wars Vs. Star Trek? Which is the real ruler of the sci-fi universe? A battle of epic proportions.
Living | Sports | #feminism Should women compete against men in sports? Would it change the nature of professional sports for good or for bad?
Living | #health #mental health Is Fear Beneficial or Damaging to Our Lives? It can negatively and positively shape our worldview, decisions, behavior and health.
Politics | The Big Debates | #the America debate Should the First Amendment cover racism and hate speech? Should the US Constitution protect free speech or those who suffer its repercussions?
Politics | The Big Debates | #the death penalty debate Is the Death Penalty Justified or Should It Be Abolished? Given the moral complexities and depth of emotions involved, the death penalty is an age-old controversial debate.
Living | The Big Debates | #The Religion debate Should We Ban the Burqa? Embrace the burqa as part of religious freedom or restrict what feels antithetical to Western cultural values?