Living | The Big Debates | #parenting #nutrition Breast vs. Bottle: which is better for babies? Should parents swear by the breast, or be fully content with bottle feedings?
Entertainment | #celebrities #Fame Should Celebrities Expect Privacy? Does having a public career mean your life belongs to the public?
Politics | #Middle East Debate Is Israel an Apartheid State? Are critics accurate in calling Israel an apartheid state?
Politics | #history #presidents The Perspective on George W. Bush How will his legacy be remembered. Here are three arguments for and three against W.
Biz/Tech | Living | #marketing #branding Is there a difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola? Are their histories, flavors, branding ventures and impact more alike or different than we think?
Politics | The Big Debates | #terrorism Should We Negotiate with Terrorists? A choice between two bad options is still an important choice
Living | #time #sci-fi The Perspective on Time – Is It Linear or Cyclical? Do we live according to the perception that it is unidirectional or that it is cyclical?
Biz/Tech | #bitcoin #currency Should we invest in Bitcoin or stay away from it? It seems to have enormous potential as a currency, but will it be able to sustain itself?
Biz/Tech | #tech giant Is Amazon Good or Bad for the Shopping Industry? It has made shopping more efficient and innovative, but at what cost to the retail industry?
Living | #health #parenting Are Vaccines Safe or Risky for Your Kids? They protect against preventable diseases, but can they be harmful?
Politics | #the America debate Should the US intervene militarily in foreign conflicts? US intervention overseas is never ideal and usually complicated, but the alternatives may be worse.
Living | #feminism Should Women Serve in Combat Units? Does this add value or potential danger to the military?
Living | #the nutrition debate The perspective on the paleo diet Does it enhance or take away from adherents' quality of life?
Entertainment | #film Battle of the Bonds: Daniel Craig or Sean Connery? When it comes down to it, which James Bond would you trust to save the day?
Living | #the abortion debate The Perspective on Abortion: Should it be a viable option? An extremely personal procedure yet a matter of public and political debate.
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Homework Help or Hinder Learning? Is it necessary for reinforcing and building academic skills, or does it put needless strain on parents and students?
Living | #parenting Should You Travel Overseas with Small Kids? Will they benefit from such an experience or is it a waste of money?
Sports | #college sports Should College Athletes Get Paid? It's big business but not necessarily for the athletes on the field.
Politics | #protest #Black Lives Matter Do Protests work ? Protests can do much to direct attention toward issues, but is attention enough to effect change ?
Entertainment | #Fame #celebrity How Should We View Michael Jackson’s legacy? How should we view Michael Jackson's legacy?
Sports | #nfl Does defense win football championships? Is it all about defense or does winning have more to do with offense?
Entertainment | Living | #feminism Should We Cheer for Beauty Pageants or Call for Their Demise? Do their opportunities for female empowerment outweigh the negative attributes and controversy surrounding them?
Entertainment | #film (Titanic) Could Jack have been saved? Was there enough room on that raft for both Jack and Rose?
Sports | #nfl #MLB #sports Let’s watch it again: Should instant replays be used in sports? Here are three arguments for the use of replays in sports, and three arguments against it
Politics | The Big Debates | #the America debate Should the First Amendment cover racism and hate speech? Should the US Constitution protect free speech or those who suffer its repercussions?
Living | The Big Debates | #The Religion debate Should we embrace religion or let it go? Is it bringing us hope and salvation or holding us back?
Entertainment | #tv #media Does Fox News add balance or propaganda to the media landscape? Is it harming or contributing to American political discussion?
Politics | #the America debate How Similar are the Far-Left and the Far-Right? To what extent do similar actions by both sides mean similarity in character?
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Do Safe Spaces in Academia Encourage or Curtail Free Speech? Some contend that safe spaces model open societies at their best while others call them death-zones for free speech.
Sports | #baseball #steroids Should Steroid Users Be included in the Baseball Hall of Fame? Should morality or reality play a bigger part in determining who baseball honors?
Living | #health #the nutrition debate How Healthy Is Soy? Is it the health food that some suggest or does it have negative side effects for our bodies and the environment?
Living | #The career debate #parenthood Should America adopt paid maternity leave nationwide? Is it money well spent?
Biz/Tech | Entertainment | #music #film Should we Fight or Embrace Illegal Downloads? Tens of millions of Americans acquire entertainment illegally. Are they criminals or is the industry slow to adapt?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate The Perspective on Alan Greenspan How should the 2008 financial crisis affect his legacy?
Living | #The Religion debate #Scientology Is Scientology a Religion? Scientology has an unconventional history, but does it diminish the spiritual experiences on offer for its followers?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate Should we raise taxes on the rich? Does it make moral and financial sense or is it just a populist gesture?
Living | #sexual harassment ##metoo The Perspective on the Public Apology Who gains more from it, the abusers or victims?
Living | #health The US coronavirus response: Have we done enough or not? Has the US response to COVID-19 been proportionate to the physical and mental health risks involved?
Politics | #the America debate Is it Time To Do Away with the Electoral College? Founded on outdated democratic principles, does the Electoral College still have constitutional and practical relevance?
Living | The Big Debates | #The Religion debate Should We Ban the Burqa? Embrace the burqa as part of religious freedom or restrict what feels antithetical to Western cultural values?
Entertainment | #music #Theater Hamilton – overrated or worth the hype? Is the Broadway hit truly deserving of all of its accolades?
Living | #the America debate City vs. Suburbs: Where is better to live? Where you choose to live is a major contributor to who you are as a person.
Living | #the education debate Does Homeschooling advance or hinder education? Is the answer to better education in our own homes?
Sports | #Major League baseball Is Hall of Famer Derek Jeter the best shortstop of all time? Hall of Famer Derek Jeter had his number retired in 2017 at Yankee Stadium
Living | #ethics #health The Perspective on Cosmetic Surgery There are distinct advantages and disadvantages for those who undergo a procedure.
Biz/Tech | Living | #The economy debate Should we Raise the Minimum Wage? Will it increase financial security or cost jobs ? Is it good or bad for the country as a whole?
Politics | #the middle east debate Did the Arab Spring Make Things Worse? Was it the precursor to a more enduring movement? Or will chaos and tyranny become its legacy?