Biz/Tech | Politics | #China Is China the Next Superpower? Are its booming technological and economic sectors enough to make it a world leader despite its domestic issues?
Entertainment | Living | #Disney #parenting Disney Animated Films – Are they good for children? Do they encourage acceptance or promote insensitive stereotypes?
Politics | #history #presidents The Perspective on George W. Bush How will his legacy be remembered. Here are three arguments for and three against W.
Politics | #Donald Trump #politics The Perspective on Donald Trump Former President Trump’s accomplishments are as controversial as his failures, but no president is perfect.
Living | #ethics #terrorism Are Humans Inherently Violent? Can we end violence, or will it forever be part of the human experience?
Living | #the nutrition debate #health Is Obesity a Disease? One in every three Americans are classified as overweight or obese. Is it in their favor to call obesity a disease?
Politics | #foreign policy #Drones The Perspective on Drone Strikes A necessary evil or just plain evil?
Biz/Tech | #tech giants Are Smart Homes a Smart Idea? Do the benefits of living in a digitally connected and automated home outweigh the drawbacks and risks?
Politics | #the America debate Should the US intervene militarily in foreign conflicts? US intervention overseas is never ideal and usually complicated, but the alternatives may be worse.
Sports | #Olympics Is Hosting the Olympics a privilege or inconvenience? Hosting the Olympic Games can be a burden and/or a benefit for the host city and country.
Living | #the America debate Is America Still Great? Explore top arguments supporting America’s greatness, and top reasons that signal she’s in decline.
Politics | #United Nations The Perspective on the United Nations (UN) The organization is vital international relationships, but it has also experienced many failures over the years.
Politics | #protest #Black Lives Matter Do Protests work ? Protests can do much to direct attention toward issues, but is attention enough to effect change ?
Biz/Tech | #big data The Perspective on Big Data Is it being used for good or should we worry about its future implications on our privacy and consumerism?
Politics | The Big Debates | #the America debate Should the First Amendment cover racism and hate speech? Should the US Constitution protect free speech or those who suffer its repercussions?
Living | #ethics #parenting The Perspective on Surrogacy Is it a surefire way to realize people's dream of becoming parents or is it turning babies into a commodity?
Politics | #history #ethics Should Christopher Columbus be honored or renounced? National Treasure or International Blemish?
Living | #health #the nutrition debate How Healthy Is Soy? Is it the health food that some suggest or does it have negative side effects for our bodies and the environment?
Politics | #history #presidents The Perspective on Bill Clinton He is one of the most popular US presidents of all time, but how justified is his popularity?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate The Perspective on Alan Greenspan How should the 2008 financial crisis affect his legacy?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate Should we raise taxes on the rich? Does it make moral and financial sense or is it just a populist gesture?
Living | The Big Debates | #The Religion debate Should We Ban the Burqa? Embrace the burqa as part of religious freedom or restrict what feels antithetical to Western cultural values?
Biz/Tech | Politics | The Big Debates | #Europe #EU Is the EU better off divided or together? Will the impact of Brexit be positive or negative?
Living | #the America debate City vs. Suburbs: Where is better to live? Where you choose to live is a major contributor to who you are as a person.
Politics | #the middle east debate Benjamin Netanyahu: Strong or Ineffectual Leader? Both admired and scorned, Israel's Prime Minister has left his mark on the country, but what will his legacy be?
Biz/Tech | Politics | #The economy debate Did the Original NAFTA hurt or help America? Did the original NAFTA help America or was its replacement trade deal justified?