Living | #parenting Should Adopted Children Be Involved with Their Birth Families? While open adoption has benefits for all involved, it also carries emotional risks.
Politics | #the America debate Should Puerto Rico become the 51st state? Welcoming the impoverished island into the U.S. has upsides and downsides.
Entertainment | Living | #Disney #parenting Disney Animated Films – Are they good for children? Do they encourage acceptance or promote insensitive stereotypes?
Sports | #basketball #NBA Are Basketball Players the Best Athletes? In strength, speed and endurance, how do basketball players fare against other sports' athletes?
Entertainment | #celebrities #Fame Should Celebrities Expect Privacy? Does having a public career mean your life belongs to the public?
Politics | #Middle East Debate Is Israel an Apartheid State? Are critics accurate in calling Israel an apartheid state?
Entertainment | Living | #music Does Nicki Minaj Empower or Objectify women? My only motto in my life is don't lose - N. Minaj
Living | #feminism #The Religion debate Does the Bible Lift Women Up or Tear Them Down? Biblical depictions of women have governed Western ideas and ideals of the female sex.
Sports | #NHL Should the NHL ban fighting in hockey? Here are three reasons for why the violence should be stopped and three reasons why it shouldn`t.
Living | #health Is There Life After Death? Do people live on only in memory and spirit or is there some kind of afterlife?
Biz/Tech | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Will Nuclear Power advance or ruin humanity? Wonder Energy or Global Hazard?